Please go to the K9WZ Repeater’s web site at and read all the information listed under the link “Before you use the repeater”.

These revised rules apply to all users of the repeater, regardless of whether they are a supporting member or not. We ask for everyone’s cooperation in following these new rules.

We have also been forced to make some hardware changes to the repeater to allow us to better monitor, and control the repeater. One of these changes was the addition of a 24 hour logging, and recording system that records all traffic on the repeater. This equipment is in addition to the monitoring that has always been done by the various control operators, and others. Other hardware changes are being made to allow us to handle other problems as they arise in the future.

We have a great group of people who regularly use and visit the K9WZ repeater. We have attempted to make it a fun, friendly, and exciting place to visit. Considerable effort has been extended to make this repeater, one of the most feature packed and wide coverage repeaters around. We have appreciated the support of our members that helped in this effort, over the years. We now request everyone’s cooperation, member and visitor alike to continue this tradition in the future. Thank you! And 73’s

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